
Made in Bio

Made in Bio, where speakers that studied Bioengineering at FEUP are invited to come and share their journey from university to the working world.

Bio, the Builder

Bioengineering is changing the way we view biomaterials. From the animal kingdom to the fungi or bacteria, it is now possible to imagine biofabrication shaping our lives. Let's see what innovations will help us “bioild” the future.

Sea to Believe

Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface. We know they are incredible sources of resources for numerous areas, but how about Bioengineering? Can we harness the potential and biodiversity of marine environments for new therapeutic and scientific approaches? Come and Sea to Believe!

Reinventing Beauty

Did you know that fashion and self-care are deeply related to science and technology? How are recent discoveries changing the way we look and care for ourselves? Come take a look at the new findings which are shaping the future of beauty in this panel - Reinventing Beauty!

Food for Thought

Getting and consuming food has changed radically over the last few decades. In fact, an increasing and demanding population drives this industry's research focus towards more sophisticated, efficient and eco-friendly solutions.


The tech world is moving at a fast pace and starting to modernize healthcare as we know it. Maybe one day you will enter the clinic and hope a robot can treat you. From fabrication to surgery planning or performing a surgery, this is the panel for you to explore the world of the future.

2023: A Space Odyssey

Each day that passes by, engineering puts us closer and closer to the reality of establishing human settlements on other planets. Studies in the field of space exploration may also provide great knowledge with application on Earth, providing solutions to health and environmental problems. Let's talk about innovations out of this world!

Neur-onto Something

Does the brain fascinate you? Do you find the nervous system intriguing? Come learn more about how to understand, repair and regenerate them with the help of top-tier specialists in the area.