Microscopy Sample Preparation

From 09:00 to 11:30

Instructor(s): Fernanda Malhão

Location: ICBAS

There is no question that microscopy is one of the most fundamental techniques for biotechnology, but before seeing through the lenses, most samples require rigorous preparation. In this workshop, students will be able to learn the theory and practice behind some of the most common and used sample preparation techniques for optical microscopy.

Limit: 20 people

Microbial Bioremediation

From 09:00 to 10:00

Instructor(s): Maria Paolo Tomasino/Joana Fernandes

Location: FEUP (E-147)

What is microbial bioremediation? How does it work? We will go through a microbial bioremediation pipeline following culture dependent and independent methods, for the degradation of different environmental pollutants.

Limit: 12 people

Visit to Glintt

From 09:30 to 12:30

Location: Glintt (Rua Eng. Ferreira Dias, 728 4º 4100-246, Porto)

With this visit, you will be able to discover in which areas from Glintt are Bioengineers involved, as well as what part they have in the companys value proposition for the healthcare market. You will learn about Glintt’s activities ranging from business consulting to technological solutions, focusing in particular on the innovations they have recently launched on the market: KnowLogis (AI for decision support in logistics and pharmacy management) and Viewer (the new generation of smart platform for healthcare management).

Limit: 20 people

Visit to i3S

From 09:45 to 11:30

Location: i3S (Rua Alfredo Allen, 208 4200-135, Porto)

As a leading institution in health research, aiming to contribute to the knowledge society and to improve general well-being, i3S is steadfast in promoting the work of its researchers and how beneficial it may be to help solve crucial societal challenges. In this visit to University of Porto's institute for research and innovation in health, students will be able to see firsthand the instalations, some of the labs, their respective work and meet the scientist behind them!

Limit: 20 people

Visit to Bioport

From 10:30 to 12:30

Location: Starts at FEUP

You will have the opportunity to visit a company that invests in solutions that respect the environment, being committed to an energy transition strategy in the mobility sector. With the objective of producing biofuel, they produce biodiesel (FAME) which has a strong incorporation of residual raw material and fuel quality for diesel engines, which composition and properties obey EN 14214.

Limit: 20 people

Data Visualization - Power BI as a tool for data analysis

From 10:30 to 12:30

Instructor(s): Mariana Barros

Location: FEUP (B336)

In the Data Visualization workshop we will explore the data analysis tool Power BI and understand how it can be adapted to the different needs in each area of work. An introduction to the said tool and its functionalities will be done initially, and it will be complemented with a practical case of demonstration.

Limit: 15 people

Self-Supervised Learning

From 11:00 to 12:00

Instructor(s): Pedro Dias

Location: FEUP (B327)

Although Deep Learning models achieve astonishing results we all know that it is often dependent on large amounts of labelled data. Unlike humans, these algorithms have a hard time learning from unlabeled data, or making associations when exposed to smaller datasets. To tackle this, unsupervised learning has been gaining traction as a set of methods to mimic the human learning process. In this workshop, we will dive into one of the branches of unsupervised learning - self-supervised learning. We will explore what it is and how it can be used in a biomedical setting, in tasks like disease detection or tumour segmentation!

Limit: 32 people


From 14:00 to 15:30

Instructor(s): Beatriz Magalhães

Location: FEUP (B327)

It is fundamental to understand the mechanisms and dynamics of gene-regulatory and biochemical networks that give rise to the function and behaviour of a biological system. To elucidate such systemic behaviour, it is effective to develop a model of the network and utilize it for network analysis and simulation as in silico experiments. In this workshop, you will be learning about CellDesigner, an intuitive process diagram editor for gene-regulatory and biochemical networks. CellDesigner is SBML compliant, and it can import/export SBML described documents and can integrate with other SBW-enabled simulation/analysis software packages. It is implemented in Java, thus it runs on various platforms such as Windows, Linux, and MacOS X, and it is freely available via the Web.

Limit: 32 people

Technical Communication

From 14:00 to 16:00

Instructor(s): Álvaro Figueira

Location: FEUP (B342)

The science world isn't just about lab experiments. It is crucial for any aspiring scientist to learn and understand how to write best in order to express their work to the worldwide scientific comunity. In this workshop, many key concepts and pratical hints will be taught in order to master the craft of scientific writting.

Limit: 25 people

Public Speaking

From 14:00 to 16:00

Instructor(s): Speak and Lead

Location: FEUP (B343)

Speak and Lead is the Portugal's leading company for specialized training in Public Speaking, Persuasion and Leadership, and we have so far trained more than 10 000 Speakers. Speak & Lead empowers your communication through specialized training in Public Speaking, Persuasion and Leadership. They believe that the world would be a better place if everyone reached their true potential and that communication is the key to get there. That is their vision and this is where they make a difference.

Limit: 32 people

Roundtable on Bioentrepreneurship

From 14:00 to 16:00

Instructor(s): Ricardo Henriques (Bionova Capital), Frederico Carpinteiro (Adapttech), Luís Valente (iLoF), and André dos Santos (SWORD Health)

Location: FEUP (B002)

Have you ever wondered what it takes to start a business in the Biomedical Engineering field but do not really know where to start? To answer all of your questions and give you more insight into the world of bioentrepreneurship, we will join biomedical engineering start-ups - Adapttech, iLoF and SWORD Health - in a roundtable moderated by Bionova Capital.

Limit: 180 people

3D Bioprinting

From 14:30 to 16:00

Instructor(s): Rúben Pereira/Luís Bebiano

Location: i3S (Rua Alfredo Allen, 208 4200-135, Porto)

In this workshop, students will be able to learn and participate in the different steps behind current 3D Bioprinting experiments and its many applications. The workshop will include a short theoretical section followed by direct contact with the pratical steps of material selection, preparation, and a functioning 3D printing system.

Limit: 15 people

CAD in Bioengineering

From 15:00 to 16:00

Instructor(s): Isa Santos

Location: FEUP (B329)

Although most people associate CAD with civil construction or metal mechanics, life sciences also use this tool. In this theoretical workshop, we will talk about the history of CAD (Computer Aided Design), the applications of CAD in Bioengineering and we will learn how to work with these tools. There will also be a demonstration of the modulation of a vein.

Limit: 32 people

Raw Materials and Beer Production Process

From 15:30 to 17:30

Instructor(s): Vitor Hugo Meireles

Location: FEUP (E-147)

In this workshop, we will talk about the 4 main raw materials of beer, and the main steps of the production process of this fermented beverage. Some topics that will be considered include sensory analysis of malts, sensory analysis of hops and yeast hydration.

Limit: 12 people

Python - An Essential Tool for (Bio)Engineers

From 16:00 to 18:00

Instructor(s): Tiago Gonçalves

Location: FEUP (B341)

Every engineer is passionate about problem solving and innovation. Hence, it is fundamental that the Engineering community becomes aware of the potential of using programming languages to automate boring tasks or to solve complex optimisation problems. The aim of this introductory workshop is to convince the audience that programming in Python can be fun, while showing its true power to solve problems that can impact society.

Limit: 40 people

A Hands-On Introduction to Deep Learning

From 16:00 to 17:30

Instructor(s): João Ribeiro Pinto

Location: FEUP (B344)

Nowadays, data is collected by every gadget, website, or service we use. However, data alone is worthless - you need to understand it to get useful information. Understanding data is something we humans can naturally do but can be very time-consuming and expensive. Most notably, doctors spend plenty of valuable time analysing data (imaging exams, physiological signal records, blood lab results, etc.), which would be much better spent in closer contact with patients. One question arises: can we automate understanding? The field of pattern recognition focuses on achieving this goal, and the well-known deep learning technologies have shown the ability (and flexibility) to better take advantage of current larger amounts of data. This workshop will provide a hands-on introduction on how to create a deep learning application with a practical step-by-step practical tutorial, delivering the essential knowledge from implementation to evaluation.

Limit: 40 people