Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    To acquaint the participants with the science's lingua franca, the event is fully in English.
    No! Just a load of motivation and curiosity is needed. Also, an insatiable appetite: we have some very special coffee breaks prepared for you!
    We have both options available. When registering for the event, you can choose between a full presencial ticket or an online ticket.
    The full ticket includes entry for the three days of the Symposium (including the visits and workshops on the 25th), a participation certificate and kit, and entrance in all coffee-breaks. The lunches and social dinner are not included and they have an associated cost. Also, you can participate in the speed dating sessions with the speakers, as well as participate in the Q&A sessions after the panels.
    The online ticket includes a livestream of the panels, as well as the Q&A with the speakers.
    Speed dating is a session where you can chat for a few minutes in a totally relaxed and informal environment with your favourite speakers and some colleagues.
    When you register through this website, you can already buy lunch at FEUP's canteen (+3.15€). If you want to lunch somewhere else we recommend the shopping Campus São João (5 minutes walking) and the restaurants near Hospital São João dining area (10 minutes walking).
    The workshops/visits will happen on the 25th of March (Friday). Keep an eye on our social media for more news regarding what to expect on those workshops/visits and to know when you will be able to choose what workshops/visits you want to attend.
    If you're a student taking the Bachelor or Master on Bioengineering in FEUP/ICBAS or the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering in FEUP, you will be excused from classes whose timetable coincides with the workshops/visits in which you are enrolled. Justifications will be given by the directors of the corresponding course.