PLUX is a medtech company specialized on the creation of innovative biomedical products for industry, clinicians and researchers, by developing advanced biosignals monitoring platforms that integrate wearable body sensors combined with wireless connectivity, algorithms and software applications. Established in 2007, PLUX bridges academia and market, by applying and projecting research grade know-how to problems and practical needs, in several technological areas.
From high know-how on signal conditioning and communication electronics, PLUX technologies enable real-time and robust acquisition of signals with very low noise characteristics, high sensitivity and high immunity to electronic interferences. The current customer base spans across more than 30 countries, including flagship references such as Volkswagen, Intel, Samsung, Boeing, MIT, Stanford University, among many others.
Over the course of its history, PLUX has been an active participant in global R&D networks and policy-making forums in the field of biomedical engineering, through the regular participation in both national and EU-funded research projects. PLUX has also seen its activity widely recognized with distinctions such as the selection as one of the top 20 most innovative European companies at the IVC HealthTech Summit in 2014, the honorable mention at the National Rehabilitation Institute yearly awards for technological innovation in 2013 (Prémio Jaime Filipe), or the Life Sciences award in 2010 at the MIT | Portugal / ISCTE BGI initiative.
Hugo Silva
Hugo Plácido da Silva believes he’s one of the few lucky people that can say he worked very few days in his life... not because of lack of a job (fortunately), but because when you do stuff you love and you're passionate about almost every single day, there's no boundary between what's work and what's just pure fun.
He completed a BSc in Computer Science, and a MSc in Electrical and Computers Engineering. Since 2004, Hugo is a researcher at the IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações (, where he’s currently pursuing his PhD. In 2012 he was a visiting researcher at the Computational and NeuroEgineering Labority (CNEL) from the University of Florida.
He is also one of the co-founders of PLUX – Wireless Biosignals (, established in 2007 as an innovative technology-based company operating in the field of medical devices for healthcare and quality of life, where Hugo is currently a Board Member and Innovation Advisor.
More recently, he has been actively working (i.e. having fun) towards making the world a bit more physiological, through BITalino (, an open source software and low-cost hardware toolkit, that allows anyone from students to professional app developers, to create cool projects and applications with physiological sensors.
His main interest areas include physiological computing (aka biosignals), system engineering, signal processing, and pattern recognition.
A great moment to exchange experiences with speakers & scientific committee
Friday evening
Restaurant: Abadia do Porto
Rua Ateneu Comercial do Porto 22, 4000 PortoMenu for the dinner