The 6th Symposium on Bioengineering aims to bring together the very best of what is considered to be one of the fastest growing markets today: Bioengineering. Broad and multidisciplinary, Bioengineering, the application of engineering principles to biological systems, encompasses areas as diverse and cutting edge as Molecular Biotechnology, Biological Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. These are at the forefront of current and future advances in health and industry, allowing for great leaps in technology by working at the interface of several fields on some of the greatest challenges and opportunities of our time: regenerative medicine and stem cells; space biology; bionics, neuralprosthesis and computer assisted diagnosis; as well as entrepreneurship and sustainability.

The Bioengineering Student Association from the University of Porto FEUP/ICBAS (NEB- Núcleo de Estudantes de Bioengenharia) is therefore proud to welcome you to this year’s event on the exciting and diverse world of bioengineering hoping you might enjoy this glimpse of a not so distant future.

Get Symposium hand guide here



  • 8h


  • 9h

    Opening session

  • 9h30


    Alumni of Integrated Master on Bioengineering

    Priscila Alves Branch of Biomedical Engineering - CardioID

    Natural from Porto, in 2006 she starts studying Bioengineering at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. Being always passionate about the connection of different sciences, Bioengineering brought a very comprehensive insight into areas such as biology, electronics and programming. But with the multitude of knowledge, comes indecision about the route to follow. After finishing the course in 2011, she had the opportunity to do an IAESTE internship in Japan for 2 months, where she communicated with a very different culture, which helped her to expand horizons and see the world from another angle. But after returning to Portugal, the future was still unknown. After some initial reluctance about the possibility of doing research, in January 2012 she joined a research team from the Institute of Telecommunications in Lisbon. Today she claims to have been the best possible choice. Since then, she has worked with biosignals and was part of the team that developed the BITalino (, a Do-It-Yourself device for biosignal acquisition. In 2014 she became a co-founder of CardioID, being responsible for web and mobile development, as well as 3D design of prototypes.

    João Andrade Branch of Biomedical Engineering - IBILI

    João Andrade started studying Bioengineering at FEUP in 2008. During his studies, he took the branch of Biomedical Engineering and had the opportunity to take one ERASMUS semester in Aalto University, in Helsinki.

    In November 2013, he joined a research team at Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences (IBILI) in University of Coimbra, enrolled in an European Project related to neurofeedback. His current research interests include brain-computer interfaces based on electroencephalography and biomedical signal processing for assistive technology.

    Claúdia Ribeiro Branch of Molecular Biotechnology - IPATIMUP

    Ana Cláudia Pinto Ribeiro is graduated in Integrated Master in Bioengineering-Molecular Biotechnology in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto in 2013. She developed an academic internship at Laboratory of Ecotoxicology and Ecology of the University of Porto Interdisciplinary Center of and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) between 2011 and 2012. Her master thesis was developed at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of Porto University (IPATIMUP) entitled “Hypoxia-Dependent regulation of Galectin-3 in Mammary Tumors”. She is currently at IPATIMUP in the project "The role of sialylation in modulating galectin-3 functions in the metastatic process of canine mammary tumors".

    Inês Pinho Branch of Biological Engineering - Nestlé

    I started my Master on Bioengineering at FEUP on 2006 and after 2 years I chose the branch of Biological Engineer. During the master I had the amazing chance of integrate a project about Removal mechanisms of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products with heterotrophic bacteria during my ERASMUS in the University of Santiago de Compostela, Departament of Chemical Engineering. In February of 2011 I had my first experience out of academic world, during my thesis internship, dedicated to implement a quality management system in a department of a healthcare unit.

    After concluding the degree, I decided to look for opportunities out of research options. In October of 2011 I started a professional internship on Quality Assurance Department on Avanca Factory from Nestlé Portugal, where are produced brands as Cerelac, Nestum, Chocapic and cereal beverages as Mokambo. At the end I was integrated in the team, where nowadays my main responsibilities are related with food safety management of the different production lines and with the integration of Focused Improvement Team of the factory.

  • 10h30

    Coffee Break

  • 11h


    Christian Cipriani ARTS Lab - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

    Christian Cipriani received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 2004 and the Ph.D. in BioRobotics from the IMT Institute for advanced studies, Lucca, Italy in 2008. He is currently an Associate Professor and Head of the Artificial Hands Area at The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. He is the Coordinator and PI of the WAY Project (ICT #288551) funded by the European Commission, of the MY-HAND Project (no. RBFR10VCLD) funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and of the PPR3 Project funded by the National Workers’ Compensation (INAIL). He was Visiting Scientist at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus, in 2012, and he founded a spin-off company, in 2009. His research interests cover mechatronic, controllability and sensory feedback issues of dexterous robotic hands to be used as thought-controlled prostheses.

    Dr. Cipriani won the d’Auria Award for prototypes of innovative robotic devices to aid the motor disabled from the Italian Robotics and Automation Association, in 2009. In 2011 he was awarded with an early career grant (FIRB program) by the Italian Ministry of Research and with a Fulbright Research Scholar fellowship. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

    Moisés Piedade received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, in 1983. He was Full Professor in the Electrical and Computers Engineering Department, IST, retired since July 2012. He was the Founder of Signal Processing Systems Research Group, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores—R&D (INESC-ID), Lisbon, Portugal, where he does scientific research. His main research interests include electronic systems, signal acquisition and processing systems, and circuits and systems for biomedical and telecommunication applications.

    Hélder Barbosa HeartGenetics | Genetics&Biotechnology

    Hélder received is PhD in Biotechnology (2009) from University of Minho (PT) and University of Cambridge (UK). His project was in the field of DNA downstream processing, having published several papers in this field.

    Prior to working at Heartgenetics, Hélder worked in 3D microarray technology at Instituto Superior Técnico (PT) and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA).

    Helder holds The Lisbon MBA (2013) and he was awarded several prizes, including the Malcolm Lilly Award (2012), attributed by the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences to a promising young scientist working in the field of Bioengineering.

  • 12h30


  • 14h

    Poster Contest

  • 15h


    Jonathan Scott and Timothy Irawan
    European Space Agency (ESA) - Videoconference

    Carole Leguy DLR: German Aerospace Center

    Dr. Carole Leguy is researcher in the field of cardiovascular biomechanics at the Space Physiology Division, DLR-Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Cologne, Germany. She has been co-investigator on ESA/DLR parabolic flight campaigns and led tilt-table and LBNP (lower body negative pressure) studies. Dr. Leguy has a strong expertise in the field of cardiovascular biomechanics and is developing a new closed-loop computational model of the artero-venous system.

Specialties:Biomechanical models of the blood pressure and blood flow (0D, 1D, 3D), Vascular ultrasound measurement, Particle Image Velocimetry set-up, Fluid mechanics, Space biology, Space physiology

    Pavel Gershovich 3B's - Research group

    Dr. Pavel Gershovich received his PhD from Institute for Biomedical Problems (Moscow, Russia) in 2010, where he worked as a research specialist in the field of space biology and medicine since 2006. He was awarded by National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) and participated in International Postdoctoral Fellowship program 2011-2012, continuing to study space biology as the postdoctoral fellow in Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, USA). In early 2014, he joined the 3B’s research group, University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) as a postdoc.

  • 16h30

    Coffee Break

  • 17h


    Jason Hatton European Space Agency (ESA) - Videoconference

    Head of the Biology and Environmental Monitoring Unit, ISS Utilisation and Astronaut Support Department, Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Operations. European Space Agency ESTEC.

    Dr Jason Hatton is the Head of the Biology and Environmental Monitoring Unit in the Directorate of Human Spaceflight at the European Space Agency. Since 2005 he has been responsible for the overall definition and coordination of biology and astrobiology science within the ESA ELIPS programme, which are implemented on a variety of ground and flight research platforms, including the ISS. Furthermore he is responsible for the overall coordination of the ESA ISS Experiments relevant to climate change, which includes a GNSS reflectometry / scatterometry experiment which is currently in a study phase. Dr Hatton also coordinated the joint ESA-NASA airborne observation campaign for the first ESA Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-1) re-entry in 2008.

    Prior to joining ESA he worked as a researcher at the VA Medical Center / UCSF in San Francisco from 2001 to 2005 and obtained his Ph.D. from Universite Louis Pasteur Strasbourg in France. Dr Hatton has performed research on immune cell early signal transduction under microgravity conditions, including a series of experiments using the ESA Biorack facility on Shuttle during the 1990’s.

    Miguel Valbuena Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC)

    Miguel Ángel Valbueno Crespo is writing his PhD at Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC) in Madrid at present. He studied a Biotechnology degree at University of León (Spain) and a Master in Genetics at Complutense University of Madrid. During his PhD studies about plant development under microgravity conditions, he performed the analysis of the spatial experiment Seedling Growth 1, the pre-flight activities and set up of Seedling Growth 2 and the pre-flight activities of Seedling Growth 3. He also performed several experiments with microgravity simulators as clinostat and Random Positioning Machine. He is currently the Vice- president of the ELGRA students (SELGRA).
  • 18h


    Orlando Frazão graduated in Physical Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He received his Ph. D. in Physics from University of Porto, Portugal. From 1997 to 1998, he was with the Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro. Presently, he is an invited Assistant Professor at Dept. Physics and Astronomy of Faculty of Science at University of Porto and he is also a Senior Researcher at Centre for Applied Photonics, INESC TEC. His present research interests included optical fiber sensors and optical communications. He has more than 300 papers in international journals and conferences. He participated as organized committee of several International conferences. He has three scientific awards. He is senior member of the SPIE and OSA.

  • 18h30


  • 9h


    Cláudia Lobato da Silva Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)

    Cláudia Lobato da Silva (1978) graduated in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology), at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL) (2001). Cláudia got her PhD in Biotechnology (2006) at IST/UTL “A human stromal-based serum-free culture system for the ex-vivo expansion/maintenance of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells”, in collaboration with the University of Reno, Nevada, USA. Presently, Cláudia is an Assistant Professor at Department of Bioengineering, IST, and the objective of her current research in the Stem Cell Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (IBB) at IST is to contribute for a better knowledge of the ex-vivo expansion of human stem cells in controlled bioreactor systems for cellular therapies.

    Alexandra Marques 3B's - Research group

    Alexandra P. Marques concluded her four years graduation in Biochemistry, in 2007 in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. In 2004 Alexandra P. Marques obtained her PhD on Materials Science and Technology - Biomaterials in the University of Minho and in cooperation with the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. Alexandra P. Marques is a founder member of 3B’s Research Group where she is currently Principal Investigator leading the Skin Regeneration Research Line. Currently, and as from October 2009 Alexandra P. Marques is Assistant Editor of the Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, launched in 2007. She is also member of the Editorial Board of Current Tissue Engineering journal and has been acting as referee of several scientific journals.

    Alexandra P. Marques is member of several International Scientific Organizations. She has been actively participating in the societies as member of the organizing committee, scientific committee and of the International Advisory Board of different meetings, and chair and co-chair of different Symposia in several of those.

    Alexandra P. Marques is co-editor of the Handbook Natural-based Polymers for Biomedical Applications, Woodhead Pub., Cambridge, (2008) and author of 133 publications: 62 peer-reviewed, 9 book chapters, 3 patents, 2 conference proceedings, 57 indexed conference abstracts and more than one hundred communications in major conferences of the field.

  • 10h15

    Coffee Break

  • 10h45


    Letra Francisco Pereira

    Fermentum, Lda is an academic spin-off launched in 2011, that dedicates its work in the agro-food and biotechnological field. The company has a highly skilled technical framework, working towards innovative solutions mainly on fermentation technology, currently producing craft beer and selling it by the brand name "Letra - Cerveja Artesanal Minhota". The efforts of the company and growing investment on the Research and Development (R&D) department were recognized by the award of “Best Agro-industrial Start-up of the year 2013” by the Ministry of Agriculture of Portugal.

    Francisco Pereira

    Francisco Pereira finished his master degree in Biological Engineering at University of Minho (2008). Its scientific career begin as researcher on Center of Biological Engineering collaborating in different national and international projects on bioethanol production field. (2008-2010). Francisco is author of several scientific papers in international journals on his focus scientific area: fermentation technology. He is finishing its PhD program untitled “Bioethanol: Robust production strains for process intensification” (2010-2014). Francisco was also co-founder of an academic spin-off – Fermentum, Lda- and, now, he is brewing engineer at Fermentum launching in the market LETRA craft beers.

    PLUX Hugo Silva

    PLUX is a medtech company specialized on the creation of innovative biomedical products for industry, clinicians and researchers, by developing advanced biosignals monitoring platforms that integrate wearable body sensors combined with wireless connectivity, algorithms and software applications. Established in 2007, PLUX bridges academia and market, by applying and projecting research grade know-how to problems and practical needs, in several technological areas.

    From high know-how on signal conditioning and communication electronics, PLUX technologies enable real-time and robust acquisition of signals with very low noise characteristics, high sensitivity and high immunity to electronic interferences. The current customer base spans across more than 30 countries, including flagship references such as Volkswagen, Intel, Samsung, Boeing, MIT, Stanford University, among many others.

    Over the course of its history, PLUX has been an active participant in global R&D networks and policy-making forums in the field of biomedical engineering, through the regular participation in both national and EU-funded research projects. PLUX has also seen its activity widely recognized with distinctions such as the selection as one of the top 20 most innovative European companies at the IVC HealthTech Summit in 2014, the honorable mention at the National Rehabilitation Institute yearly awards for technological innovation in 2013 (Prémio Jaime Filipe), or the Life Sciences award in 2010 at the MIT | Portugal / ISCTE BGI initiative.

    Hugo Silva

    Hugo Plácido da Silva believes he’s one of the few lucky people that can say he worked very few days in his life... not because of lack of a job (fortunately), but because when you do stuff you love and you're passionate about almost every single day, there's no boundary between what's work and what's just pure fun.

 He completed a BSc in Computer Science, and a MSc in Electrical and Computers Engineering. Since 2004, Hugo is a researcher at the IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações (, where he’s currently pursuing his PhD. In 2012 he was a visiting researcher at the Computational and NeuroEgineering Labority (CNEL) from the University of Florida. 

    He is also one of the co-founders of PLUX – Wireless Biosignals (, established in 2007 as an innovative technology-based company operating in the field of medical devices for healthcare and quality of life, where Hugo is currently a Board Member and Innovation Advisor.

    More recently, he has been actively working (i.e. having fun) towards making the world a bit more physiological, through BITalino (, an open source software and low-cost hardware toolkit, that allows anyone from students to professional app developers, to create cool projects and applications with physiological sensors.

    His main interest areas include physiological computing (aka biosignals), system engineering, signal processing, and pattern recognition.

    Algaplus Rui Pereira

    ALGAPLUS - Produção e comercialização de algas e seus derivados Lda. is a private Portuguese company that initiated its activity in 2012. The company works in the B2B and B2C sectors for the food and well-being markets, using the brand “Tok de Mar” for the B2C. Its mission is to produce and trade seaweed and seaweed-derived products in an ecological and social sustainable way through continuous innovation and strict parameters of quality and traceability. The strategies are to associate the cultivation of seaweed with animal aquaculture, taking advantages of the nutrients released in those systems to produce more and better seaweed (IMTA system); to promote the environmental and economical sustainability of the aquaculture industry; to adjust the quantity and quality of seaweed produced to the demands of the markets sought; to keep a strong R&D component in order to optimize processes and develop new products. ALGAPLUS is currently established at a seabass and seabream farm with 14 ha of seawater surface. Current production activities focus on Ulva, Gracilaria, Chondrus and Porphyra species, being able to implement new production lines for the species sought by our customers.

    Rui Pereira

    Expert in seaweed physiology, strain isolation and life cycle studies, with more than 10 years of experience acquired in Portugal and the United States of America reflected on his extensive publication record. Dr. Pereira has worked with several seaweed species but is main focus has been on Porphyra, Gracilaria and Ulva spp. Over the last years, has focused his research on the application of seaweed as in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), both as biofilter (nutrient removal) and as raw material for fuel or ingredient in fish-feed. While in academia, Dr. Rui Pereira collaborated in several national and EU funded projects, like SEAPURA, MARBEF, IBEROMARE and others.

    Patient Innovation Salomé Azevedo

    Patients of chronic diseases and their non-professional caregivers have developed a significant number of non-drug medical innovations that have proven valuable in dealing with their diseases. In some cases, patients even saved their own lives! These innovations usually occur behind closed doors and might never be knowledge or used by anyone else. However, if successful solutions and knowledge were shared with other patients with similar need, it could improve the lives of many others. To promote collaboration and foster the diffusion and use of those innovations, we developed Patient Innovation, an international multi-lingual online platform to facilitate sharing of solutions developed by patients or caregivers. Considering the fact that healthcare spending is rising worldwide, helping patients help themselves by sharing innovations developed by patients and caregivers is of great social value, not only promotes knowledge exchange among target stakeholders and it can also save significant resources and reduce costs.

    Salomé Azevedo

    Salomé Azevedo is a research assistant of the Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics. Her work focuses on how patients and caregivers develop treatments, therapies and medical devices to improve their disease condition. Salomé is working on a project called Patient Innovation and she has been supervised by Professor Pedro Oliveira from Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics and by Professor Helena Canhão from University of Lisbon School of Medicine. Her main focus relies on publishing a book that translates an investigation of solutions developed by Patients of Chronic Diseases, in order to understand the predisposition of patients to innovate. Recently, Salome was in an internship at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, working in the Engineering and Public Policy, within the project of Patient Innovation. She graduated from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon with a Master degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2013.

    Kinematix Paulo Ferreira dos Santos

    Kinematix develops inteligent devices that extract knowledge from movement and posture to improve human function.

    Its products use advanced inertial and pressure sensing technologies, sophisticated firmware and software analytics to measure and report essential information, in real-time, through wireless communication.

    Kinematix technologies are targeted for the medical and sports industry (diabetes, osteo-arthritis, stroke, musculoskeletal disorders and orthopedic injuries). Kinematix is headquartered in Portugal and has subsidiaries in the US and in the UK, as well as an office in Netherlands.

    Paulo Ferreira dos Santos

    Paulo is a serial entrepreneur that has already created 6 companies in different areas, from IT to real estate, since he began working in 1988. He founded Kinematix at the end of his Master studies in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship in University of Porto, Portugal. He has also a degree in Computer Sciences and Management from University Portucalense, Portugal.

  • 12h15


  • 13h45

    Open Stage

  • 14h45


    Vítor Verdelho Vieira A4F - Algafuel, S.A

    Born at 9th of March in 1966. Currently the president of EABA - European Algae Biomass Association, Necton’s R&D manager, Member of the Board and Shareholder of A4F – Algae for Future, SA. Graduated in Physics, with more than 20 years of experience in Biotechnology.

    Moreover Victor ́s basics specialties are expertise and experience in: Solid State Physics (University background), Biotechnology (marine biotechnology, Agrofood, Environment and Health) and Microalgae biotechnologies (applications for Food, Feed, Nutraceuticals, Cosmetics, Aquaculture, Biofuels).

    Participated in over forty courses, seminars, congresses and conferences, on topics either scientific (particularly in the areas of Physics, Biology, Environment and Archaeology) or in different areas of management, marketing and business strategy and organization.

    Extensive experience in developing and managing several national and international Projects. Executive functions in 20 'scenarios' of entrepreneurial management in different industrial areas, service or innovation, formulation, application and management of 25 R & D projects in multiple national and international contexts.

    Expert in management and training of people and teams, negotiation and conflict management, strategic analysis, models of management and organization, transforming ideas into projects, business development.

    Marianne Ellis University of Bath, New Harvest

    Dr. Marianne Ellis is a Senior Lecturer in Biochemical Engineering at the University of Bath and a Royal Academy of Engineering/The Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow. Her research interests are focused on bioreactor and bioprocess design for the scale up of cell therapies and cultured meat, and to produce physiologically-relevant in vitro models for toxicology and bioartificial organs. She studied for a BEng in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering (2001) and a PhD in Biochemical Engineering at The University of Bath (2005). After a year as a postdoctoral researcher she took up an academic position in 2005. She is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE); Leader of the Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering Group at Bath; a Deputy-Director of the Bath Centre for Regenerative Medicine; and a Board Member of New Harvest. Marianne’s core research is cell therapies and tissue engineering, and as a typical engineer always works with 'end users', in this case surgeons and drugs companies. Projects range from expanding regulatory T-cells to (in the future) replace immunosuppressant drugs, to developing an in vitro model for liver with Unilever, Astra Zeneca and Syngenta. Her interest in cultured meat began at TERMIS 2012 when she met Hanna Tuomisto, the life cycle analysis, who was after a biochemical engineer to carry out a detail bioreactor energy balance for growing meat. One thing led to another and she is now an active member of New Harvest.
  • 16h

    Coffee Break

  • 16h30

    EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY: from Portugal to the world

    Claudio Sunkel IBMC-INEB Associate Laboratory

    Claudio E. Sunkel is a Full Professor of Molecular Biology at the Biomedical Institute of University of Porto, Director of the Institute of Molecular Cellular Biology and head of the Molecular Genetics Group at the same institute. He is a Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization since 2000, was Vice-President of the European Molecular Biology Conference (2007-2010), Vice-President of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory Council (2010-2012), elected Chair of the EMBL Council (2013). Currently is a member of the Wellcome Trust-India Alliance fellowship selection committee (2009-2014). During 2007-2008 was the National Coordinator for the Evaluation of Research Units by the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal. His laboratory is mostly devoted to the study cell division and of the mechanisms involved in maintaining genomic stability in higher eukaryotes. Started these studies during his posdoctoral work at Imperial College, UK, and later continued in Porto. Has published over 100 original peer review articles. Supervised 24 PhD students and many postdocs. Teaches Molecular Genetics for Biochemistry and Bioengineering BsC Major at ICBAS, University of Porto. First Degree Honors in Biology (1979) and a Ph.D. in Genetics (1983) from Sussex University, UK. Was born in Santiago, Chile, 1958.

    José Domingos Santos Faculdade de Engenharia do Porto & Biosckin

    João Claro Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

    João Claro is professor at the Faculdade de Engenharia of the Universidade do Porto (FEUP), and holds appointments with INESC TEC, where he is Executive Advisor to the Board in the areas of Knowledge Valorization and Technology Transfer and heads the Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit, and with Porto Business School (PBS), where he heads the Entrepreneurship and Innovation academic area. Since January 2013, João Claro has been the National Director of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, an international partnership in Information and Communication Technology between Portuguese universities, research labs and companies, and Carnegie Mellon University. He was also recently a visiting scholar with the Engineering Systems Division at MIT. In the past decade, he has taught and mentored close to 60 technology commercialization teams from Portuguese universities, research labs and companies, in multiple initiatives with COTEC Portugal, FEUP, INESC TEC, and PBS.

    João Claro has a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FEUP (2008), an MSc in Quantitative Methods in Management from PBS (2002), and an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FEUP (1993). Prior to returning to the University, he was a software engineer and project manager at Edinfor (1994-1998).

  • 17h30


  • 18h



Do you have a new project or an innovative idea that you would like to present? If so, the 6th Symposium on Bioengineering offers you the opportunity to be a speaker and to explain your project to the academic public. If chosen, your work and presentation will be evaluated by a jury and the attendance, providing you some feedback. Original and innovative ideas are always welcome!

Participation rules here


A great moment to exchange experiences with speakers & scientific committee

Friday evening

Restaurant: Abadia do Porto

Rua Ateneu Comercial do Porto 22, 4000 Porto
Menu for the dinner


Choose a Package:

Access to both days of the event & 4 coffee-breaks
NEB member (sócio NEB)10€
Non student20€

Add extras:

Friday Lunch menu5€
Saturday Lunch menu5€
Social Dinner +info20€
CP travels - SPECIAL PRICES info

Registration closed at 5:59 pm, November 16th, 2014


Núcleo de Estudantes de Bioengenharia - FEUP/ICBAS is a student association created on 06th November 2013 and is entirely run by students of the Faculty of Engineering and Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, both from the University of Porto.

NEB - FEUP/ICBAS was created in order to organize events for the Bioengineering student community and establish a means of communication with other student associations locally, nationally and internationally. This association is also a representative of the three specializations of Bioengineering, which are Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering and Molecular Biotechnology.

This association is legally recognized as a Non-Profit Association.


Perpétua Pinto do Ó is an associated Professor at ICBAS, where she is presently responsible for the “Stem Cell Biology” course. During a postdoctoral training at Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular-IBMC (2003-2006), she got acknowledged with molecular immunology and late in 2007 became a researcher at INEB within the NEWTherapies group, where she now leads the Stem Cell Biology team. Parallel to her long-time interest on basic stem cell biology mechanisms Pinto-do-Ó got interested on understanding the role stem/progenitor cells allocated to specific tissue/organs might have on the regeneration in the adult organism.


Great Auditorium of Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto

To Aeroporto Sá Carneiro, and then by car or subway (line E) with line changing in Trindade to line D.



What languages are spoken?

The event will be wholly in English.


Is there any requirement for attending the 6th Symposium on Bioengineering?

No! Just a load of motivation and curiosity is needed.


If I cannot check in at 8:00 AM on the 21st, can I do it another time?

Yes, the check in office will be always open during the Symposium so you can check in at any time.


Are the lunches included in the registration fee of the event?

No, the lunches are not included and they have an associated cost.


What is included in the registration fee?

The registration fee includes entry for both days of the Symposium, identification documents, diploma/participation certificate and entrance in all coffee-breaks.


Where else can I have lunch?

On November 21st (Friday), the canteen of Engineering Faculty will be open as well as the Bar in the back of the auditorium and the small shopping center close to the University ("Campus São João"). On November 16th (Saturday) the canteen and the bar in the back of the auditorium are not open to the public so the only option is Campus São João.



Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors




Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228
4050-313 Massarelos, Porto




Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200-465 Porto, Portugal